Switch Statement

Switch statements are also used when we need our program to make a certain decision based on a condition and then execute accordingly.


   case value-1:
   statements which will be executed if the value obtained by evaluating the expression is value-1


   case value-2:
   statements which will be executed if the value obtained by evaluating the expression is value-2

   case value-n:
    statements which will be executed if the value obtained by evaluating the expression is value-n


    default :
    statements which will be executed if the value is not matching with any of the above values

   //statements after the switch block


* File Name : SwitchStatementDemo1.java
public class SwitchStatementDemo1

   public static void main(String args[])

       int choice = 2;

       switch (choice)
       case 1:
           System. out .println( "Bank Menu" );
           break ;

       case 2:
           System. out .println( "Loan Menu" );
           break ;

       case 3:
           System. out .println( "Credit Card Menu" );
           break ;

       default :
           System. out .println( "No Match Found" );
       break ;


Loan Menu
Here the program displayed the message “Loan Menu” because the variable “choice” is assigned as 2.

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