if..else Statement

An if statement can be followed by an optional else statement, which executes when the Boolean expression is false.


   //Statements which will be executed if the condition is true
   //Statements which will be executed if the condition is false

  • Here if the condition is true, the code which is written inside the curly brackets { } of the if block will be executed.  

  • If the condition is false, the code which is written inside the curly brackets { } of the else block will be executed.
  • We can take a look on a program which will display a message “Success” if a particular value is greater than 5.
  • If this value is not greater than 5, it will display a message “Failure”.
  • It then displays a message “Executed successfully” and complete its execution.
* FileName :  IfElseStatementDemo1.java
public class IfElseStatementDemo1
    public static void main(String args[])
        //Declaring a variable "test" and initializing it with a value 10
        int test=10;

        //Checking if "test" is greater than 5
            //This block will be executed only if "test" is greater than 5
            //This block will be executed only if "test" is not greater than 5


        //The if else blocks ends.
        System.out.println("Executed successfully");


Executed successfully;

  • This program outputs the message “Success” because the declared variable “test” has a value 10 which is greater than 5.
  • If the value of “test” was lesser than or equal to 5, the message “Failure” would have been displayed instead of “Success”.

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